Jun 30, 2017
Okay, peeps. Trying out a minimalist's approach to descriptions this week as we've been told that those of previous episodes left too little to the imagination.
First off, props to Steve for sitting through an extra long Jerrologue as Jerry struggles to get thru his list of TPM likes without rabbit-trailing - he sends his apologies for dominating the podcast, Regarding The Phantom Menace, Predator: Billy's Last Stand, ROTJ draft stuff, Jerry's Star Wars-dominated childhood and how he apparently thinks it's...real or something?, Has the Star Wars universe overlooked technological applications to keep story options open?, Black Mirror’s tech commentary (plus a little Black Mirror scarring - oink), terrifying Star Wars nightmares, death-defying childhood trespassing, Ostrich Man, the lamest Star Wars alien ever, Steve's superficial attempt at liking TPM, Is Star Wars for kids or not? (depends on the scene?), lightsaber precogoreography, and a little more midichlorian talk!
This is pretty much just as long as the other descriptions have been.